SitePal Account
- Q: Which SitePal package is right for me?
- A: View our pricing page for an in-depth comparison of the different SitePal packages. As you can see, the packages differ in both features and allocated streams. A good way to go about it is to first decide which features you need, and make the package selection accordingly. Then, if you are not sure how many streams you will require, sign up for a monthly subscription. After the first month, review your account’s stream usage report, and decide whether to upgrade.
- Q: What are “streams”?
- A: An audio stream is a single audio playback instance. Whenever your SitePal character speaks, the audio is streamed from Oddcast's servers over the Internet. This counts as 1 audio stream. Simply put, audio streams are the number of times your SitePal character speaks.
Each SitePal package is bundled with a different number of audio streams so you may choose a package that best serves your website needs. Should you run low on streams we will send you an automated email message, so that you may purchase additional streams or upgrade to a different package. Unused audio streams are rolled over into the following month.
- Q: Where can I see my stream balance or expiration date?
- A: After logging into your account, click on "Account Info" at the top of the page. Your account information is displayed, including purchase date, expiration date, remaining streams, and other details.
- Q: What happens to unused streams at the end of the month/year?
- A: Unused streams are rolled over to the next billing period.
- Q: How do I edit my contact information?
- A: After logging into your account, click on "Account Info" at the top of the page. Your account information and contact information are displayed. To modify, click on the "Edit Contact Info" button.
- Q: I lost my password, what do I do?
- A: Click on "Forgot Password?" at the bottom of the login window. You will be asked to enter your login name (email address), and a temporary password will be automatically generated and emailed to you. Please be sure to write down your new password in a safe place. If you do not receive our email within a few minutes, check your SPAM filters.
- Q: I can't login, what do I do?
- A: If you purchased an account and cannot login, you may have entered your email incorrectly. Contact
- Q: Where can I find invoices for my SitePal purchase(s)?
- A: Click on "Account Info" at the top of the page. This page contains links to invoices for all your prior purchases. More information may be viewed in report #3 on the “Reports” page in your account..
SitePal Models & Characters
- Q: What is a Model?
- A: A Model is what we call a base avatar, which has not yet been customized by accessory selection or coloring. Every SitePal account package includes a pre-defined set of Models.
- Q: What is a Character?
- A: A Character is a customized Model, after coloring and selection of accessories. Each Model can be customized to fit your needs by selecting accessories such as clothing, eyeglasses, skin color, hairstyle and more. The customized Model is referred to as a 'character'. Once created, a Character may be assigned to a Scene or saved for future use.
- Q: How do I design my own SitePal Character?
- A: Select the desired Model from the "Models" Panel. Use the arrows to scroll the list of available models.
Next, customize the Model you've selected by modifying the hair, glasses, outfit, hats, necklace/earrings and facial hair. Click on the various options to create any combination you like.
NOTE: Not all options are available for all models.
When you design a Character you may add it to the Character Library for future use. To do so select the "Character Library" tab and click "Add."
- Q: Can I save a Character I designed and use it again?
- A. Yes. Characters are automatically saved when you save your scene. When you open a new scene, you can access previously created characters by going to the "Saved Models" tab.
- Q: Can I control the size of the Character?
- A: Absolutely. At the bottom left of the display area click on the "Move" button. Use the arrows to position the character and the + or - symbols to zoom in and out or click on the arrow buttons to adjust the Character's position within the frame.
- Q: Can there be more than one Character in a Scene?
- A: No, each scene may only contain one Character.
- Q: Can I create my own SitePal character from a photo?
- A: Yes. Customers with Silver subscriptions or higher can generate Photoface models. You can upload pictures to be converted into models by clicking the '3D Photoface' tab and then the 'Create Your Own' button. A wizard will walk you through the process.
SitePal Audio
- Q: What is the Audio Library?
- A: The Audio Library is where all of your audios are saved. The audio library allows you to manage and re-use your audios. There are also many pre-recorded audios available in the audio library for your use.
- Q: How do I add my own audio to the Audio Library?
- A: Whenever you upload or record an audio, it is automatically added to the Audio Library.
- Q: How do I select a previously created audio to be used in a Scene
- A: Click on the "Audio Library" tab and click on the name of any audio to select it
- Q: What are the specifications of the audio streams used within SitePal?
- A: Audios that you record or upload to your SitePal account, or create via TTS, are automatically converted to an optimal streaming format as follows:
- Channels: 1 (mono)
- Sampling Rate: 22.050 KHz
- Bitrate: 48Kbps
SitePal Scenes
- Q:What is a Scene?
- A: A Scene combines a character that you create, a background of your choice and an audio that you record to deliver a composite audio visual speaking character. The scene is what you eventually include ('embed' is the term often used) in your web page.
By creating multiple Scenes, you can embed several talking characters with several different messages across your website. You can update your Scenes anytime and any changes immediately appear in your web pages.
- Q: Can I use a Scene in more then one page on my site?
- A: Yes, the same Character and Background can be embedded in multiple pages in your site and speak different audios.
- Q: How do I add a Scene to my web page?
- A: You need to copy and paste a small piece of HTML code. Both the Getting Started with SitePal quick-start guide and the comprehensive SitePal User's Guide describe this process in detail.
- Q: I don't want repeat visitors to hear the audio every time. Can I limit the number of times the audio plays?
- A: Yes. To control this limit go to the "My Scenes" page, and click on the ‘Scene Options’ button. Under the "Play on load" option select the number of times the audio should play for repeat visitors.
- Q: I don't want repeat visitors to hear the same audio every time. What can be done to create variability?
- A: Programmers can use our API to assign audios dynamically, that might be specifically targeted to individual visitors, whether the visitor has previously visited your site, and other factors. For non-programmers, we offer a simple way to achieve variability. In your audio library, select the “multiple audios” checkbox, and assign several audios to the Scene. Each time the Scene is played, one of the audios you specified will be played at random.
- Q: How do I control the dimensions of the Scene on my web page?
- A: You may specify the dimensions of the embedded Scene when you publish it.
- Q: Why do I need several Scenes? Can't I just publish the same Scene over and over?
- A: Every time you make changes to a Scene,this affects any instance of the Scene previously published to your website. Creating separate Scenes is therefore necessary if you want different SitePal content to be included in different pages of your website.
- Q: Can I embed a Scene in a Power-Point presentation?
- A: Yes. For best results download & install the SitePal PowerPoint plugin from the SitePal support page.
- Q: Is there a limit to the number of Scenes I can use in my account?
- A: No.
- Q: Can I use a SitePal Scene on a mobile device (i.e. iPhone, iPad or Android Phone)?
- A: Yes, SitePal speaking characters fully function on iOS and Android mobile devices. There is nothing special you need to do to enable mobile functionality. Please note that on a mobile device 'play on load' capability will not work as the mobile browsers do not support it.
The SitePal Player
- Q: What is the SitePal player?
- A: The player is a graphic frame that appears around a Scene when it is displayed. The player can include a volume control slider and pause button, allowing site visitors to control the volume and playback of a SitePal Scene.
- Q: Can I control player appearance?
- A: Yes. You may select from several available players of different styles.
Programming with SitePal
- Q: What is the Client API?
- A: The Client API (Application Programming Interface) is a set of function calls that enable JavaScript and ActionScript programmers to control SitePal behavior from the web page in which it is embedded. Check out the API Reference and examples on the SitePal support page.
- Q: Can the user’s interaction with my web page affect the behavior of a SitePal Scene?
- A: Yes. Programmers may use the API functions to modify the behavior of a scene in response to user interaction with the page. For example: add a button that will cause playback to be repeated, or speak a specific audio when user rolls over a specific image.
- Q: Can I "connect" scenes to each other (so that they play consecutively)?
- A: Yes, Programmers can do so using our Client API.