April Highlights
Sitepal.com Update
April brings big news for SitePal! For starters,
the SitePal web site has been updated with a brand new look, richer content and revamped
navigation, making it easier for users to learn and experience SitePal.
Check out our new website today at
New in SitePal - Product and Features Update
Tutorial movie update for new users
"Getting Started"
tutorial video has been updated. If you're new to SitePal or want to learn more about the
product, please take a look at this easy-to-follow video guide (6 minutes) which walks
you through creating a speaking character using the SitePal editor.
Best Practices Guide update
Want to learn how to get more from your speaking
character? We're here to help! View our updated
Best Practices Guide,
detailing hints, tips and examples from SitePal customers on how to use a speaking avatar
to maximum impact.
Get a presidential candidate to speak for you!
Presidential candidate Barack Obama has just been
added to the SitePal specialty model store. With the inclusion of Barack Obama, all
three presidential candidates, Clinton, Obama, and McCain, are now available, at
$9.95/each. Check them out in our
Specialty Model Store.
Tips of the Month
How do I integrate a speaking avatar in my Flash applications?
SitePal provides a powerful API set which allows
you to seamlessly integrate characters into Flash movies. This
feature example
shows how easily you can make calls to modify the way that the character interacts with
your movie. If you watch the callback box in the upper right, you will see the different
communications that are happening between the Flash movie and our servers. For a deeper
look into this interaction, download the FLA and review our button calls and the write
functions. By building your interaction around these calls and returns, you can easily
integrate and synchronize our character into any flash environment.
Note: Flash integration feature is available only in SitePal Gold package.
Want to try SitePal? Sign up
for our risk-free 15 day free trial today.
Already a member? Upgrade to a Gold package,
and start using our Flash feature.
Customer of the Month
April's Customer of the Month is
Quantum Identity Group, Inc.
The company created a SitePal avatar, named Nicole, and
implemented it on their homepage and three product offering pages. With our Embed Overlay feature, Nicole is
seamlessly "floating" on the homepage, greeting site visitors and helping them navigate.
SitePal in the Press
SitePal receives its greatest praise this month
from the education sector. Professor McFarlin from the University of Houston was able to
measure improved performance and grades by incorporating a SitePal speaking character
into his course. Dr. McFarlin's study has been receiving significant attention as soon
as it became available to public in March.
Read the article on eSchool News
Read the article on Science Daily
Read Dr McFarlin's case study (pdf)
Partner Offers
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